On 12th of March in Chisinau the ceremony of awarding the leading enterprises of Moldova with the golden certificate the
“Best taxpayer of the year” took place.
The state prize for achievements in quality, production and competitiveness in 2003 and the prize named “The best taxpayer of the year” were handed over by the President of the Republic of Moldova Mr. Vladimir Voronin and the Prime-Minister Mr. Vasilie Tarlev.
23 enterprises were laureates of the State prize for the achievements in quality, production and competitiveness for 2003 , and 44 enterprises - for the “Best taxpayer of the year”. The Golden certificate was also granted to “Acorex Wine Holding” company.
The head of the state thanked the laureates and encouraged all entrepreneurs from Moldova to follow the Code of the moral principles and management rules applied in the Russian Federation, in which it is mentioned that the procedure of paying a part of incomes to the state has to become from a burdening obligation that is being forcefully fulfilled, or sometimes even not fulfilled, to a honoring obligation deserving the appreciation of the society.