The specific of the wine is conditioned by many factors. Its taste, color, aroma, the character depends on the soil, climate and on the methods of winemaking used in different regions. While taking the decision of creating grape processing factories “Acorex Wine Holding” company took into consideration the following factors:
1. After performing researches on soil and climate conditions during several of years by Italian experts together with the Moldavian scientists from the Institute of Viticulture and wine-making, the most benefic regions of prospective viticulture in the southern part of the country were found
2. A rich experience of the viticulture farms in growing vine, the implementing of progressive methods in vine cultivation and treatment:
3. The presence of the most requested European grape varieties for the production of quality wines. Many vineyards were planted in the middle of the 80s, and their general condition is good, which is confirmed by many researches of the foreign experts:
4. The factories of the primary wine-making are located close to vineyards, which allows save the time between the collection and the processing of grapes (in order to prevent any spontaneous processes, that take place inside the berry, it is recommended not to store the collected grapes longer then 4-6 hours)
The factories where the grapes for the wines of “Acorex Wine Holding” are processed are located in unique micro zones in the south of Moldova in the regions of Corten, Tvardita and
Valea Perjei.