If you enjoy your life, if you are success-oriented, if you tend to create your own style in everything – then you are not wrong visiting this site. Because “Acorex Wine Holding” makes its products for real gourmets, for experts and connoisseurs of good wines.
“In vino veritas” – the ancients said. “The truth is in wine”. Good wine, we’d like to add. It hides the heat of the summer day, when the grapes are filling with juice; it is sodden with the smell of the summer nights, when under the sky full of stars the fragrances of flowers and grass interlace; it remembers the warmth of human hands that took care of the vine and collected the grapes; it preserves the traditions of the Moldavian wine-making. A sip of such a wine, where the past and the present, the legend and the reality mix up, makes the man better and brighter. This is the kind of wine that “Acorex Wine Holding” tends to produce.
While browsing the pages of our web-site you will find out that our wines are produced of the best grapes cultivated in the south of Moldova, which is similar to the famous French province of Bordeaux by its climacteric conditions. You will find out about our production technology where both winemaking secular traditions and the latest scientific and technical know-how are used. You will have the chance to appreciate the rich choice of our wines and to understand the nuances that are making different one drink from another. Finally you will see that all our ambitions are enforced by state awards, as well as diplomas and medals obtained at international contests. And of course you will see that the international recognition is a result of many years of efforts of all “Acorex Wine Holding” experts.
So, welcome to our site. We hope that after a closer introduction you will become one of our friends.
Yours sincerely, Borets S.V. General Director Acorex Wine Holding S.A.