In April 2006 Acorex Wine Holding brought to Moldova two gold medals from the international wine competition “Concours Mondial de Bruxelles”, which was transferred this year to Lisbon, The competition was held at Pavilion Atlantic.
Concours Mondial de Bruxelles is a leading international competition for wines and alcoholic beverages. This year 200 experts from 40 countries assessed over 5000 wine samples.
Since the beginning of 2006 this is the 4th international competition in which our wines have received medals and awards.
Our Traminer Acorex Select 2005 and the special red medium dry wine Amaro de la Valea Perjei 2004 received the highest awards at Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2006:
Traminer Acorex Select 2005 - gold medal;
Amaro de la Valea Perjei 2004 - gold medal.